Blog Archive Beauty

Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Eyelash Curler

Don't know when I started to curl my eyelashes but I have been curling my eyelashes for a quite a few years. I remember watching an add on TV about curling your eyelashes and seeing the results as as if you has fake eyelashes. Couldn't think the fact that I would love an eye-curler we were so opposite like water and oil. Every time I would pinch/bite my eye lash-eyelid it would make me cry because I would snap a little piece of my eyelids. Ouch!

After a few years practicing and being more gentle and not scare I am a Pro. Yay! Got  hooked up and love how my eyelashes look long, curled, pointing up to the sky. My current eyelash curler is from Cleanlogic.

Love it got it at TJMax but the one that is on my wish list is the Shu Uemura. Have heard so much good things about it especially what does to your eyelashes. I will just have to wait and see, right? FYI: I want a rose gold is that too much to ask??

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