Blog Archive Beauty

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Winter Skincare Must Have For Hydrated Dewy Skin

We know that at this time of the year we or "I" get either the driest Lips, dry scalp, patchy skin or scalp-elbows or knees. So we got to keep it balance with some Oils to deeply moisturize-hydrate our areas. Even when we layer with comfy-cozy sweaters, scarfs, mittens, or beanies ..... Relax and massage some Oils on your skin. Works great!!! when you have a day off or a 1 to 2 hours prior going to bed apply some then I will massage it and rinse it off or damp it with a warm cloth. You can also apply a night cream. Note: just a little dab on the skin since it is already moisturize.
Palmer's Vitamin E Scar Serum - most rave for healing and disappearing scars and at the same time deep rich hydration to the skin especially to dry skin. Like to use it on my acne scars that I have. Have been using this since a year and has made it a repurchase. You will see a big difference in about one to two months.

Jojoba Oil - Amazing golden yellow Oil, use it as a cleansing oil, bath, spray on makeup brushes, or mixed with tea tree oil you can spray on your face. Works great with Oily skin & dry skin. Absorbs into the skin leaving it soft and hydrated-juicy skin look. Also you can use it on your scalp and hair. Great for sensitive, acne- pron skin. It is just Amazing try it you will fall in love with this Oil. Hands down to my favorite Oil to use!

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