Blog Archive Beauty

Friday, February 6, 2015

Vaseline Creme Brulee

My love for lip balms are countless I don't know when my interest started for this guys. But one thing I'm sure that no more dry, flaky, chap lips. I have to say that after watching Ingrid video I went for the hunt and I got it!!! It smells and taste Amazing, "dessert time". So creamy that melts on your lips, I use it when going to bed at night so during the night it will hydrate my lips through the morning. Gives you that moisture that your lips needs.
Packaging wise... couldn't be any cute. It's soft tub makes it manageable when you place your finger, grabbing the right amount. All around Gorgeous with a Delicious taste! Vaseline  has slowly been building on my stash of Lip Balms. And as well got to give a shout out to Ingrid FYI: I love it :) Because just to read it, it will make you see the Creme Brulee in front of you. Dessert anyone?

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